Peter Pauko
Peter Pauko is introducing himself by painting which includes the folloving topics: portrait, landscape, figural compositions and zoomorphic motives. While in previous creation the author devoted to abstract motives, extremly dynamic with explosive colour pallete, today from his last exhibition, four years ago, I can say that Peter in his technique and colour of painting got to opposite pole. He became slightly expresive in colour and his painting manuscript passed to expressive technique. The works are more monochromatic but legible and convey a kind of ephermal atmosphere and interconnection of dream and reality. As he says, it is the amount od shots which talks about truth, love, freedom. They do not want to say anything substantial, they do not capture any important things, they do not look for truth, do not show what sort of people we should be. They do not speak in riddles, do not solve important topics. They do not want to play for pictures about „something”. But even though they are real and they are here. Peter in his work tries to use exactly these simple, sometimes kitsch shots and to create an image which changes to desire. Desire to be in center, to get to story, to lie down on the meadow, to swim in the river, to be there, to be in nothing, to be nowhere.
Peter Pauko was born in Martin in 1982. He graduated at the university in Nitra. He studied at Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Art and Education. He was led by exceptional personality /in this time dead/ – surrealist professor Karol Baron and great Slovak artist Robert Bielik. He finished the university studying in 2006. He had his first exhibition in 2004. Since that time his works have been presented at solo and group exhibitions. He dedicates to painting, drawing, installations and ceramics techniques. As a teacher at a private art school Atelier Medea in Bitra he shares his acquired artistic and visual experience with his students. He is a member of art group „Club of free artists SVVU”. He lives and creates in Nitra. He is very creative, he is still pushing his work towards the quality of panting and to the percepient – recipient of art work.